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Unstoppable Margin Dex


The most critical subjects covered in our audit are functional correctness, precision of arithmetic operations, and front-running.

Front-running protection has improved, as there was previously missing slippage protection, see Stop-Loss missing slippage protection. Functional correctness has improved, as swaps could previously fail on external markets, see Position Can Become Impossible to Close Due to Zero Swaps. Precision of arithmetic operations has been improved as there were previously rounding issues when providing liquidity, see Inflation Attack on Newly Added Tokens.

The general subjects covered are specification and gas efficiency.

The specification has improved, as the changes made during the fixes review process make the system more robust than it was previously, see Large Liquidations Can Fail. Gas efficiency has improved, as there were a large number of unecessary storage writes and reads in the margin dex contract, see Reading Unused Values from Storage in MarginDex.

In summary, we find that the codebase provides a satisfactory level of security.

It is important to note that security audits are time-boxed and cannot uncover all vulnerabilities. They complement but don't replace other vital measures to secure a project.

About Unstoppable Margin Dex

Unstoppable offers a margin trading platform that leverages the existing liquidity of decentralized exchanges (DEXs).


"Unstoppable is on a mission to render centralized platforms obsolete by providing a comprehensive permissionless alternative for every CEX feature."
