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“Unslashed Enzyme Bridge” Security Audit


The Unslashed-Enzyme Bridge system has been audited by ChainSecurity. The smart contract reviewed implements a bridge between Unslashed and Enzyme.

Enzyme is an on-chain asset management system supporting interactions with all major DeFi applications. Unslashed is a decentralized insurance protocol supporting many different markets. Furthermore, it allows for multiple markets to be bundled in a basket. This enables users to provide collateral for the whole basket instead of individual markets.

Read our report to find out more.

About “Unslashed Enzyme Bridge”

“Enzyme empowers you to build and scale vaults based on the investment strategies of your choice – from discretionary and robo to ETFs and market making. Security is our priority. Our second generation smart contract-enforced platform is thoroughly tested and audited before any mainnet deployments are made.”


We've worked with many Smart Contract auditors in the last five years and ChainSecurity quickly differentiated themselves as a leader in the space. They have relevant DeFi expertise, professional work ethic and have always been a reliable partner.
Mona El Isa (Enzyme CEO)