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STOKR Security Audit

ChainSecurity Ltd has completed a security audit of the STOKR project. See the full report to learn more about the scope of the audit and considered properties.


STOKR is an online, peer-to-peer interface based on smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain. STOKR enables ventures to create projects and investors to invest into these projects. For this purpose STOKR implemented a system which has built-in features to support investors and ventures.

Each project launched on STOKR’s platform has a crowdsale contract to manage the sale of a dedicated security token with profit sharing and a global whitelist. Thus, only whitelisted investors can invest. The profit sharing schemes distributes all deposited profits among the token holders according to their token balance at the time of deposit. A user’s profit share is tracked automatically and can be withdrawn at any time using the corresponding function. The crowdsale has multiple configurable parameters such as an individual purchase cap or start and end times. In case a crowdsale, doesn’t reach its defined investment goal, then all investor can obtain a refund. In case of a successful crowdsale, investors can withdraw their tokens after the completion of the crowdsale.

ChainSecurity Ltd analyzed STOKR’s smart contracts using a variety of tools for automated security analysis of Ethereum smart contracts, including Securify and manual expert review.

Overall, ChainSecurity Ltd found that STOKR has a well written code and extensive tests with 100% code coverage. ChainSecurity Ltd did not find major flaws. Nonetheless, ChainSecurity Ltd raised some minor issues and suggestions. These issues were all acknowledged or duly fixed in a professional manner.


STOKR is an accessible and easy to use peer-to-peer interface that allows innovative ventures to raise funds from everyday investors in order to finance forward-thinking ideas, powered by the Ethereum blockchain.

STOKR will provide a web-based interface that will allow ventures to present their businesses in a transparent and compelling way for any potential investor. Through an EU-compliant tokenisation of securities (also known as STOs), everyday investors can directly fund innovative start-ups and SMEs in return for a share of the venture’s future profits.

Learn more about the STOKR project at