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Polkadot Claims Security Audit

ChainSecurity Ltd performed a security audit of the Polkadot Claims smart contract. To ensure that the Claims contract is secure and functionally correct, ChainSecurity Ltd formally verified the contract’s code with respect to 12 important functional requirements. To find out more about the scope of the audit and the verified requirements, read our detailed audit report.


The Web3 Foundation engaged ChainSecurity Ltd to perform a security audit of Polkadot Claims, an Ethereum-based smart contract that will allow holders of the DOT allocation indicator token to claim their balances of DOTs to a Polkadot public key ahead of Polkadot’s genesis.

The state of the Claims contract will be used to initialize the genesis of Polkadot, including the Polkadot public key to associate to a specific allocation, the index of the public key, and the vesting status of the allocation. Due to the importance of this data, the security of the Claims contract was considered of utmost importance. To address this, ChainSecurity Ltd was tasked to formally verify the correctness of the contract’s code, especially with respect to critical requirements, such as ensuring immutability of the state of the contract after claims have taken place.

To guarantee that the Claims contract is secure and functionally correct, ChainSecurity Ltd formally verified the contract’s code. In more detail, the security audit consisted of:

1) Formalizing 12 critical functional requirements pertaining to the immutability of the state after the initialization, access-control requirements, and the safety of the contract set-up period;

2) Formally verifying the correctness of the Claims contract with respect to the formalized properties. Verification was carried out using VerX, ChainSecurity Ltd’s state-of-the-art verifier for smart contracts;

3) Analyzing the Claims contract for generic security vulnerabilities using Securify, ChainSecurity Ltd’s state-of-the-art security scanner;

4) A thorough manual audit of the Claims contract for compliance with best security practices.

During the audit, ChainSecurity Ltd found 0 critical, 0 high, 2 medium and 9 low severity issues. All reported issues have been addressed or acknowledged by the Web3 Foundation. In particular, all security and design issues have been resolved with appropriate code fixes. The audit report describes the fixes that were applied to each issue and the reasoning of the Web3 Foundation behind them.

About Polkadot Claims

The Web3 Foundation was created to nurture and steward technologies and applications in the fields of decentralised web software protocols, particularly those which utilize modern cryptographic methods to safeguard decentralisation, to the benefit and for the stability of the Web3 ecosystem. Learn more about the Web3 Foundation at

The first project of the Web3 Foundation is Polkadot. Polkadot is a protocol that allows independant blockchains to exchange information under the protection of shared security. To learn more about the project go to

When we were evaluating auditors for the Polkadot Claims Contract, the team at ChainSecurity Ltd impressed us with their track record of successful audits and their tooling for verifying properties of smart contracts. For the audit, they were able to functionally verify twelve properties of our smart contract to ensure the immutability of critical state that is needed to bootstrap Polkadot genesis. They helped to identify design, trust, and security concerns in the contract and we were able to work together to resolve each of these. If we have further opportunities for our security needs, we would consider engaging ChainSecurity Ltd again.
Logan Saether, Web3 Foundation