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Mangrove Smart Contract Security Audit


This latest iteration of the review focussed on the change that fees collected now remain in the Mangrove contract instead of being forwarded to a vault contract.

The most critical subjects covered in our audit are functional correctness, access control, precision of arithmetic operations, front-running and signature handling. Security regarding most of the aforementioned subjects is high. Security of signature handling is basic due to possible ECDSA malleability, see ECDSA Signature Malleability. Security of front-running is good but keepers could lose funds to rogue makers unexpectedly due to unawareness of the exact functionality of sniping, see No Protection for Keepers.

The general subjects covered are unit testing, documentation, specification, gas efficiency and error handling. Security regarding all the aforementioned subjects is high.

In summary, we find that the codebase provides a high level of security.

It is important to note that security audits are time-boxed and cannot uncover all vulnerabilities. They complement but don’t replace other vital measures to secure a project.

About Mangrove Smart Contract

Mangrove Association (ADDMA) implements an offer book exchange supporting markets between two assets. Makers create and takers consume offers which are promises of makers to provide the offered token at a certain price. To ensure the executability of offers, makers must deposit ether for gas reimbursements on failure.

“The Mangrove is an order book-based DEX that allows liquidity providers to post arbitrary smart contracts as offers. This new flexibility enables liquidity providers to post offers that are not fully provisioned. The Mangrove’s order book lists promises instead of locked commitments. Liquidity can be shared, borrowed, lent and, at the same time, be displayed in the Mangrove’s order book, ready to be sourced when, and only when, an offer is hit. The time of DeFi ‘s fragmentation in a myriad of pools is ending. In the Mangrove, liquidity reaches its ultimate potential. Value doesn’t have to be locked anymore.”


ChainSecurity has proved its ability to independently understand, thoroughly analyze, and help secure novel and complex smart contracts in a surprisingly short amount of time. We could not ask for a better auditing partner.
Adrien Husson, smart contract lead @ Mangrove