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Limited Code Review - Fuel Sway Optimizations


Limited code reviews are best-effort checks and do not provide assurance comparable to a non-limitedcode assessment. This review was not conducted as an exhaustive search for bugs, but rather as a besteffort sanity check. Given the large scope and codebase and the limited time, the findings are notexhaustive.

During the review we were able to uncover a medium severity issue regarding function deduplication.More specifically, functions that are not functionally identical could be assumed as such. As a result, callsto some of them would be replaced with calls to another one.

It is important to note that security audits are time-boxed and cannot uncover all vulnerabilities. Theycomplement but don't replace other vital measures to secure a project.

About Fuel Fuel Sway Optimizations

Fuel implements various optimization passes for the IR. These aim to facilitate the bytecode generationthat follows in the later steps of the compilation, as well as to improve the overall efficiency of thecompiled program, both in terms of size and execution cost.


"Fuel is an operating system purpose-built for Ethereum rollups, designed to help developers build decentralized economies at scale"$
