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Kuma Protocol Security Audit


The most critical subjects covered in our audit are asset solvency and functional correctness. This includes the yield distribution for the rebasing token.

The general subjects covered are the documentation, integrability into the DeFi ecosystem and efficiency.

It is important to note that security audits are time-boxed and cannot uncover all vulnerabilities. They complement but don’t replace other vital measures to secure a project.

About Kuma Protocol

The KUMA protocol is designed to tokenize KUMABond NFTs into KIB ERC-20 tokens. Interests are distributed through the rebasing mechanism of the token. ERC-20 ist the most common token standard and hence these KIB tokens are compatible with various decentralized finance protocols. The system has safeguards such as a Deprecation Mode to allow for a graceful shutdown and uses UUPS proxy pattern for upgradability.

The KUMA Protocol is a decentralized protocol issuing interest-bearing tokens backed by regulated NFTs, themselves backed by Real World Assets (RWA). At start the KUMA Protocol accepts regulated KUMA NFTs that are backed by sovereign bonds.
