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iExec Security Audit

ChainSecurity Ltd. has completed a security audit of the iExec smart contracts. See our audit report to learn more about the scope of the audit and considered properties.


The iExec smart contracts constituting the Proof-of-Contribution protocol have been analyzed under the agreed upon specification, with different tools for automated security analysis of Ethereum smart contracts and manual review. The issues listed in this report result from ChainSecurity Ltd’s verification of this specification and should not be considered exhaustive.

While we found that iExec employs good coding practices and has clean, well-documented code, the current Proof-of-Contribution implementation has a model that places trust in external contracts and key roles, introducing several issues.

For details please see the full technical report.

About iExec

iExec is inventing the internet of the future by developing the first Blockchain-based, fully decentralized cloud computing platform. iExec aims to provide blockchain-based distributed applications a scalable, secure and easy access to the computing resources required for their execution. It uses the blockchain to organize a market network where everyone can monetize their servers, applications, and data-sets.

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