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Enzyme Sulu Extensions XV


The most critical subjects covered in our audit are asset solvency, functional correctness and integrationwith external systems and Enzyme's core system. Security regarding all the aforementioned subjects ishigh.

The general subjects covered are error handling, specification and trustworthiness. Security regarding allthe aforementioned subjects is high. Note that the trust model for using GSN slightly changed, see thenote Gas relay paymaster will fund arbitrary calls.

In summary, we find that the codebase provides a good level of security.

It is important to note that security audits are time-boxed and cannot uncover all vulnerabilities. Theycomplement but don't replace other vital measures to secure a project.

About Enzyme Sulu Extensions XV

Avantgarde Finance implements a price feed for EETH and a wrapper for Chainlink-like oracles withnon-standard decimals. Additionally, the GSN integration is adapted. A new policy restrictingredeem-for-specific-assets is introduced along with a peripheral FIFO contract that canredeem-for-specific-assets. Further, an asset manager contract is introduced that limits the share priceloss an asset manager can cause. For integrations, a Pendle Finance external position and a Swelladapter are introduced.


Enzyme is a decentralised asset management infrastructure built on Ethereum. Using Enzyme Smart Vaults, individuals and communities can build, scale and monetise investment (or execution) strategies that employ the newest innovations in decentralised finance.