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Enzyme 31Third Adapter Security Audit


The most critical subjects covered in our audit are functional correctness, the isolation of the adapter from the rest of the system, and the correct integration with the external system. The isolation of the adapter was improved in response to BatchTrade Should Revert On Error. Security regarding all aforementioned subjects is high.

Some notes on the external system’s behavior can be found in Replayable TradeSigner Signature and Rebasing Tokens with Transfer Loss are Not Supported.

In summary, we find that the codebase provides a high level of security.

It is important to note that security audits are time-boxed and cannot uncover all vulnerabilities. They complement but don’t replace other vital measures to secure a project.

About Enzyme 31Third Adapter

31Third implements an adapter for Enzyme, which allows batch trades using the 31Third protocol. The adapter was made possible through an Enzyme grant to 31Third.

Enzyme is a decentralised asset management infrastructure built on Ethereum. Using Enzyme Smart Vaults, individuals and communities can build, scale and monetise investment (or execution) strategies that employ the newest innovations in decentralised finance.

We've worked with many Smart Contract auditors in the last five years and ChainSecurity quickly differentiated themselves as a leader in the space. They have relevant DeFi expertise, professional work ethic and have always been a reliable partner.
Mona El Isa (CEO)