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Angle Protocol – Borrowing Module Security Audit


Angle implements a new way to borrow Angle’s stable token agEUR by using over-collateralized loans with liquidation mechanism.

The most critical issue uncovered in our audit is a call to an untrusted address. The amount of issues uncovered are usual for a project of this size. The documentation of the project is good and the communication with the team was very professional. All issues were fixed accordingly or (in case of some low severity issues) acknowledged.

In summary, we find that the codebase provides a good level of security. It is important to note that security audits are time-boxed and cannot uncover all vulnerabilities. They complement but don’t replace other vital measures to secure a project.

About Angle Protocol – Borrowing Module

Angle is a decentralized stablecoin protocol, it has launched agEUR which has become the biggest decentralized Euro stablecoin in the market.

Once again, Chainsecurity has been able to provide a lot of value in a record amount of time, by thoroughly understanding the underpinnings of an intricate set of smart contracts we built. Not only did they catch the whole organization of the whole system, but they were also able to question the logic of the maths behind the code. Their help on this makes us far more confident in the quality of the system we will deploy.
Pablo Veyrat, Core Contributor @ Angle Protocol